Vive Biotics review


Eating sugar is very tasty but it is flat out horrible for your bowels. Sugar feeds bad fungus and gut bacteria causing it to over grow and cause major problems. When bad bacteria and candida overgrow, they create a biofilm that is thick and hard to penetrate. Sugar consumption causes fungus and bacterial infections to take over quickly leaving you with a leaky gut. The symptoms of leaky gut reach far and wide leading to autoimmune disease, migraines, food allergies, skin issues and a whole host of symptoms.  Sugar is extremely addicting so if you are cutting it out cold turkey expect some mood disturbances. You may find that gradually reducing sugar one item at a time is easier.

Eating high carb foods is bad for the same reasons as sugar. It feeds candida and bad gut bacteria leading to infections. Gut infections tear up the lining of your gut leaving you with loose junctions for food particles and proteins to slip through into the bloodstream. Knowing how to improve your gut health naturally means lowering your carb count in general by cutting grains that destroy the gut lining.  As a family, we try to stick to eating fruits, vegetables, and meats. Leaving out the grains was hard at first but we have all adjusted. We do eat jasmine rice occasionally because it has a slightly different fodmap than other rice.  How to improve gut health naturally isn’t hard, it just takes intentional changes. It takes 21 days to start a new habit before something feels like it is part of your life.  Don’t give up if something is hard at first or doesn’t feel natural. Your taste buds need time to adjust to new fruits and vegetables instead of sugar.


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